Resources & Presentation Materials

The law centers have produced a variety of materials to help Pennsylvanians learn more about the case for fairly funded public schools in our state. The third PDF and videos below are representative of what is discussed during many of our introductory webinars.

Note: The resources below were mostly prepared before the trial or before Commonwealth Court’s 2023 decision in the case.

We’re partnering with groups across the state to lead webinars on the details of our case. Above is a recording of an August 2021 webinar hosted by the PA Schools Work coalition. Below is a recording of an earlier webinar with simultaneous translation en español, hosted by our friends at Education Voters PA.

To inquire about scheduling a webinar, please email

School funding is an issue that affects nearly every student and teacher in Pennsylvania. Our partners at the organizations Teach Plus Pennsylvania and PA Youth Vote have developed a set of lesson plans for elementary, middle, and high school students to help them understand the issue and their own experience of it.